Study Tips - Time Management with the Pomodoro technique
Is there a subject or topic you don't like? One that you avoid studying?
We all have those. And as soon as we start studying these, we tend to give in to distractions - check out instagram posts, send a text to a friend, look at a music video - there are a million ways to avoid what we do not like!
Fortunately there is a way to focus our mind for short periods of time even on unpleasant tasks! For example cleaning your room. Or studying a chapter of history. Etc.
The key is to make yourself a small promise. To focus on the task at hand for a short duration. And then reward yourself.
The FlashCardz system is built to automatically take advantage of this technique. Our card decks contain 15-30 cards, our crosswords have 9-13 clues, and our quizzes ask you 15 questions at a time. Each of these can be done in small chunks of time!
The FlashCardz system is built to automatically take advantage of this technique. Our card decks contain 15-30 cards, our crosswords have 9-13 clues, and our quizzes ask you 15 questions at a time. Each of these can be done in small chunks of time!
Check out this video by Socratica that explains this powerful technique. The great thing is that if you are using FlashCardz, you don't even need the timer. It is all built into the system. All the best!
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